PTest: Personality Tests for WordPress

IMPORTANT NOTE: This plugin is no longer maintained. But it stil works with WordPress 3.x..!

Welcome to the PTest WordPress Plugin page…! PTest is a WordPress plugin. It enables WordPress site owners to create personality tests and serve these tests to visitors very easily. This plugin is more appropriate for ipsative tests; however it is also possible to implement normative tests with some re-interpretation. You can download the plugin from WordPress Plugin Repository.

In order to prepare a personality test by using this plugin, it is necessary to know at minimum the below information provided.

Personality Tests

Theory suggests that human behavior is not random but predictable and classifiable. Based on this, various personality models and tests have been devised.

In general, one can say that there are 2 types personality tests:

  • The ones that can be scored using a dimensional (normative) approach or
  • The ones that can be scored using a typological (ipsative) approach.

This plugin is more appropriate for ipsative tests; however it is possible to implement normative tests too with some re-interpretation.

How to Prepare a Personality Test?

1. Select the personality model (ie: Myers-Briggs), based on which you want to build your test.

2. Identify the personality dimensions:

MB defines 4 dimensions:

  • Attitude
  • Perception
  • Judgement
  • Cognition

3. Identify 2 poles of each dimension:

As for attitude dimension, one pole is extraversion and its opposite is introversion. For all dimensions, the poles are:

  • Attitude (Extraversion-Introversion),
  • Perception (Sensing-Intuition),
  • Judgement (Thinking-Feeling),
  • Cognition (Judging-Perceiving)

4. Determine questions related to each dimension and answers related each pole of the dimension.

As for attitude dimension, one question can be:

Are you usually

a “good mixer,” (Extravert) or
rather quiet and reserved? (Introvert)

Download a sample test, which you can implement by PTest

How to Implement Your Test with This Plugin?

1. Click “Add New Test”.

2. Write a name (ie: MBTI) and a description (Myers-Briggs) for the test. Write each pole, provide a description and also provide the related opposite pole like below:

  • Pole: E, Description: Extraversion, Opposite Pole: I
  • Pole: I, Description: Introversion, Opposite Pole: E
  • Pole: S, Description: Sensing, Opposite Pole: N
  • Pole: N, Description: Intuition, Opposite Pole: S
  • Pole: T, Description: Thinking, Opposite Pole: F
  • Pole: F, Description: Feeling, Opposite Pole: T
  • Pole: J, Description: Judging, Opposite Pole: P
  • Pole: P, Description: Perceiving, Opposite Pole: J

3. When you are finished, save the test. You will be redirected to “Edit Tests” page.

4. From the “Edit Tests” screen, click on “Add/Edit/Delete Questions” link and then “Add a New Question” link.

5. Write your question and answers. Indicate the pole, to which each answer is refering. When you are finished, save the question. Repeat this step to add all the questions.

Question: Are you usually…


  • a “good mixer,” or (Pole: E)
  • rather quiet and reserved? (Pole: I)

6. To add the test to your blog, insert the code [PTEST ID] into a post. ID is the test ID, where you can see from “Edit Test” page.

7. Go to the post’s page. If everything is OK, you are going to see the first question. Execute the test. (If you leave the question empty, a warning message will appear.)

8. When the last question is answered, the page will be posted automatically, and you will have a result like below:

Your personality profile: ENFJ

9. You may add a description for all personality types in your result screen.

Note: In order to get meaningful results, it is recommended to place at least 10 questions for each dimension. If the number of questions are low, try to keep number of questions odd. Othrwise, you will come across very frequently with results like E/I, which means that the test taker scored equally on both opposite dimensions.